Penn Masala
Album Review : Penn Masala - Pehchaan
( The lyrics for Main Tanha and Pehchaan can be found here. )
I did the unthinkable last week. I bought an album. Yes. I spent money to buy music. The only other time I remember being involved in the process of buying music was when a 4 year old cribbed for Apoorva Sahodarargal cassette for Pudhu Maappillaikku song. I have heard Penn Masala before, even performed two of their songs ( No Injuries To Anyone ). But totally forgot about them over the past year or so. But then pointless browsing at times leads you to something good and once such recent expedition has led to this. For those who have not heard about them, they are an a capella group based in University of Pennsylvania, who specialize in fusion mixes of Eastern Melody and Western Pop. Here is my chaar aana on their album, Pehchaan.
Another one for the vocalists. The I Am Alone and Main Tanha lines are the best. After listening to it a lot of times, I could see influences from Lukka Chuppi in the interludes, but that was in the BG part.
Lyrics - Penn Masala - Pehchaan & Main Tanha
After seeing a lot of searches for these songs’ lyrics landing up unsuccessfully at my review of Pehchaan, I wrote these down.
- Lyrics are for educational purposes and all the related shit to avoid copyright infringement hold good.
- This is my interpretation of what I heard. I am not guaranteeing accuracy. Also, there is no blue print for you to compare it with. Suggestions ( corrections ) are welcome.
I am assuming Penn Masala decided upon using crazy accents/encryption for the english words so that lyrics are not deciphered. Too possessive about their work aa?