“Bonjour France” - Mbappe.

If they don’t get one back now, France is done for. Argentina’s theatrics will go full tilt in the second half to hold on to their lead.

Someone needs to wake France up at the halftime talk.

I just finished watching The Handmaid’s Tale S5E1. Why was this not the series finale?

Totally worth taking the day off to watch it on the proper IMAX.

Fucking Jamea Cameron! Does it all over again.

It looks like it is going to be Sachin’s World Cup 2011 for Messi.

Where is Tim Krul?

4D Chess FTW!

Croatia is celebrating getting into Schengen

Test MarsEdit

Sharrow FTW

Caught this beauty while getting off from Ellis Island.

Fox Coverage of Portugal = SriRonaldoKoti.

I thought Feta had a lot of salt. Halloumi is otherwordly, high BP-inducing levels.

A review of reviews by Ramchandra Guha


WTF! 506/4 in 75 overs! Pak vs Eng Test 1 Day 1 Scorecard

I’d never heard of the drink Negroni before the HOTD HBO interview of the two leading ladies and have since had a Baader-Meinhof(had to google it, to avoid confusing it with Streisand) phenomenon relationship with the word.

Seeing more SoCal license plates at the school parking lot recently.

The 2021 GA runoff election was the worst physical political mail spam I’ve experienced. Malformed fetus pictures were a constant feature. Not looking forward to the next one.

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