Rahul Aurora Srinivasan

Summer ..is here ...and here to stay..

hey btw INDIA lead the series 3-0 against Eng<:-p

exams were better than yesterday.. [-o«br />
the day had more to do with us giving farewell to our seniors than it did with the 3 xams dat we ended up scribbling in a day..

i had an embarassing time in the lunch facing a few seniors..being enthusiastic about their farewell…they asked me a few straight questions and all i had for them was …NOTHING..well wat cud i say..the organising committee..which is a non existential entity in reality but tends to force its decisions on the rest of the junta, the financial committee wich is totally bankrupt but doesnt intend to use its authority for asking the cash..blah blah blah..

bus mein had a nice time..me yav deepika and 2 seniors poornima and srujana ..taaking abt their farewell preparations and how i intend to give them one at my own expense and all :P

2moro better complete uP record else ..all hell will ..might..may ..may not …lite u take :P